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China builds deep-water stations in the South China Sea

China has approved the construction of deep-sea research institutions in the South China Sea to support marine exploration.

The station is said to be one of the world's deepest and most technologically advanced underwater installations with a target operation date of around 2030.

The design details of the station were disclosed by researcher Yin Jianping at the Institute of Oceanography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and his colleagues. Manufacturing and upgrading today.

“Construction will begin soon,” Yin and his team wrote. He also mentioned that the station is to work closely with unmanned divers, ground ships and seabed observatory to establish a “four-dimensional” monitoring network.

In an area built 2,000m below the surface, it is said to have abundant resources and is bound by multiple territorial claims. South China Morning The report said the research station will study cold seepage ecosystems, which are methane-rich hydrothermal ventilation holes with unique life forms.

The facility will be designed to accommodate a mission of up to six scientists for a month.

It will have an advanced life support system to build a monitoring network for tracking methane flux, ecological changes and tectonic movement.

The station is expected to be part of a larger infrastructure network, including the seabed's fiber network and drilling vessel Mengxiang, whose ambitious ambition is the first to reach the Earth's mantle.

The power supply for the station is still not disclosed, but experts compared it to ours and Soviet-era stations that used nuclear reactors.

It is estimated that the South China Sea holds 70 billion tons of methane hydrate, about half of China's proven oil and gas reserves.

The region also has rare mineral deposits such as cobalt and nickel, which are three times as high as those in land-based mines.

In addition, more than 600 species adapted to extreme conditions have been identified in the region, with some of which are crucial for cancer treatment.

“China builds deep-water stations on the sea of ​​South China” was originally created and published by the global Data brand World Construction Network.

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