Chrono Trigger Art by Akira Toriyama is a happy fantasy

Today 30 years ago, Timing trigger Hit SNE in Japan conveys one of its greatest RPGs of its generation, a reputation that only continues over time. In narrative, graphic, Timing trigger Another generation of players is amazed, but part of this indelible success goes beyond its pixelated aesthetics and the world vision that legendary Mangaka Akira Toriyama brings us.
Timing trigger Not Toryiama Dragon Quest He will work with several developers since the mid-80s and he will work with him again Timer triggerjust like producer Yuji Horii. But even if the visual style of the American Toriyama didn’t become a pioneer of the new generation of anime fans until a year later Dragon Ball Z Will start broadcasting on the joint organization, many of his work Timing trigger They will be their first introduction to his trademark aesthetic.
Solve the initial ideas and sketches Timing triggerToryiama Timing trigger A bold and arrogant identity suitable for its interim adventures, dragging Chrono and his friends from ancient history to the end of the world. The sign that many people will know through his work Dragon Pearl Feel keenly Timing triggerA pleasant fusion of science fiction. Crono, Aayla, Marle and Lucca all evoke the viewing style, people will see more famous people from Toriyama's comics and anime works, and Robo won't stand out in the Capsule Corp Corp lineup, and even frogs are suitable for the legacy of humanized animals such as Puar and Puar and Oolong. This is not to say they are derivatives of Toriyama's work, but it's just the latest evolution of his visual design, capturing a joyful, exaggerated stylization that exudes the charm.
This is a charm, not only enhancement Timing triggerThe role of work, but its visual design. Timing trigger It might be a 16-bit sprite-based RPG, but Toryiama's fingerprints feel aesthetically. The way the character animates the character across the world or battlefield, even if his trademark stands out even in a silly, pixelated form, which is the gloss of Lucca's big glasses, Crono

This is a tone that transcends the game itself, and is smeared with posters, box art, game guides, etc. in the promotional work “Toriama”. Whether he is resting or preparing for a fight, he has a sense of dynamics and joy for every piece Timing trigger This immediately evokes the wandering and adventurous feeling inside you. It is Perfect RPG art that draws you into a world you want to travel through and spend hours with all these bright and brilliant characters. So many elements Timing trigger It has helped the test of time over the past three decades, but perhaps the most lasting time can be found in Toriyama's vision of his role and world.
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