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Pezzullo plays a multifunctional role in Bruins' medical staff |

Jordan Conn | Ah, beat

For a hockey team, versatility is a valuable feature. Having a player who can kick wings and ice in the middle is crucial to the roster.

Providence Brown Bear also has versatility among support staff with team physical therapists Dave Pezzullo.

With a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from the University of Connecticut and a certificate in sports training and a master’s degree in science in sports and orthopedic physical therapy at the University of Pittsburgh, Pezzullo began his career in sports medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. After eight years at Iron City, RI's Narragansett moved back to his hometown and played a role in University Orthopedics at Providence to run its physical therapy division.

Pezzullo Mark Grotzingerthe only athletic coach for Providence Bruins, is seeking help from covering the team. This is a dream opportunity for those who have taken root for the Boston Bruins.

After acceptance, Pezzullo held road games for the teams in most of the first few seasons. However, two years later, Grotzinger hired an assistant athletic coach, but the value was to keep Pezzullo on the staff and transfer his part-time role to the physical therapy side.

Pezzullo currently serves as the physical therapy director for university orthopedics, but works at Amica Mutual Pavilion and select practice days to work at home, but still loves to join the team for road trips when filling in for sports coaches.

“Because of my dual certification in physical therapy and athletic training, I can help trainers when one of them is unable to go on a road trip,” said Pezzullo, whose experience in hockey plays is with his friends. “I love getting on the road. I try to do a few road trips a year. On the road, it's a different experience and you're going to spend a lot of time as a team.”

Pezzullo has not only had an impact on the players' bodies over the past 14 seasons. He is an important mentor and friend to players and staff. While loving what is done in physical therapy, he loves his informal role, providing guidance to players and staff.

“I really like helping athletes and staff grow to reach the next level,” Pezzullo said. “It's great to be able to help players reach the next level if this is progressing through injuries, but I'm happy to help staff reach the next level. We have staff in the Bruins organization who have already promoted on other NHL teams. It's fun to see them pursue their NHL dreams and help them get there.”

Rob TagleBruins' current athletic trainer knows the value of Pezzullo to medical staff.

“People who have Dave’s experience and professionalism are priceless,” Tagger said. “He brings infectious energy every day, the type of person you always want to have. Over the past six years, I’ve been lucky enough to have him as a colleague and mentor.”

Pezzullo teamed up with Providence Bruins for his 500th game on February 14, with the team showing him gifts in the locker room and having a special video message on the scoreboard during the game, which included current and former players congratulating him. Here is a special way to show what Pezzullo means to the team over the past 14 seasons.

“I was totally honored to blow away the awareness that the Brown Bears achieved that night,” Pesulo said. “I don't like being the center of attention, but it's a beautiful recognition. It's the climax of everyone who is important to me. I wish I had 500 because I like to do it and I won't stop anytime soon.”

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