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Winning photos of nature capture the clinging intensity of animal life

Nature is terrible on all scales. Apart from the winner of the Nature Infocus Photography Contest, his 2024 winning photos are impossible.

All kinds of lives are constantly fighting for another day on Earth. Now, the winner of Nature's Infocus Photography Contest shows the environment and interactions chosen by the planet's outstanding residents. From insect larvae and tiny seedlings to orcas and sharks, these pictures show life on the scales of size. The contest’s photographers captured the interaction between species that fought to survive, while also addressing key issues such as conservation and pollution.

Supun Dilshan won the portfolio of Photographers of the Year to “be trapped between the worlds,” a set of plight that captures Sri Lankan elephants living on humans’ vast footprints on the island. These images have biological and dead images, so please predict it first.

Charming images fall into one of the following categories: animal portraits, animal behaviors, conservation photography, creative nature photography, wild landscapes and animal habitats, and Photographer of the Year – Portfolio. Photographers 17 and under also received additional awards.

You can see the full set of winning images below.

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Nature is not always so kind. Nikon has posted a set of comedy wildlife photos that you can view here. But all that is said, these images show how much more than our human perspective. From the deep sea to the sky above us, life has found ways to develop and adapt to new environments.

Infocus images showcase some of the amazing species that call our planet home, and their interactions. True to its name, it reveals the intimate aspects of these creatures’ lives, but how much happens when we are not there. Except for photographers, of course.

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