Make sure you get a lot of these superfoods for your kidney peak health

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is estimated that more than one in seven U.S. adults suffer from chronic kidney disease. This can cause excess waste and body fluids to accumulate in the body, leading to health problems such as heart disease, infection, depression, anemia and loss of appetite. The kidneys are essential for overall health.
To give the kidneys some love, there are some foods that can be added to the diet in the name of kidney health. Below, we outline 13 superfoods, many of which you may already have in your refrigerator or pantry.
1. Fat fish
Fish provides protein and you will also get omega-3 fatty acids when you choose fatty fish like tuna, salmon, or trout. According to the National Kidney Foundation, Omega 3 fat may help lower fat levels in the blood (triglycerides) and may also lower blood pressure.
If you have CKD, you may want to pay close attention to the phosphorus and potassium levels of the selected fish. The National Kidney Foundation has a chart that you can use to determine the level of a specific type of fish. Although, it is best to consult your doctor.
2. Chinese cabbage
This nutrient-rich vegetable is low in fiber, vitamin C and K, etc.
In addition, cabbage is widely used. You can use it in salads and salads, but you can also use it as a packaging for tacos, sandwiches, and more.
3. Bell pepper
Like cabbage, Bell peppers are packed in many good nutrients with low potassium content. With them you can get vitamins B6, B9, C and K as well as fiber. They also provide antioxidants.
You can slice them thinly, then dip them or roast them and add them to dinner.
Read more: Your body is telling you about your vitamin intake
4. cranberry
Cranberries help prevent urinary tract infections. These usually stay in your bladder and can go to your kidneys, making kidney problems even worse. Fortunately, regular cranberries can help you avoid this unpopular situation.
Plus, cranberries have antioxidants that can help fight inflammation, which can enhance your heart and digestive health. It turns out that these egg berries are not only used on Thanksgiving tables.
5. blueberry
We've talked about some of the best foods for the kidneys, but you can take it a step further. The question is: What foods help to repair the kidneys? Blueberries are available.
Blueberries have high levels of antioxidants and loads of vitamin C and fiber, all-around health. They can also help reduce inflammation and support bone health, thus reversing some of the problems that CKD can bring.
6. Dark leafy green vegetables
There are many reasons to turn to dark leafy greens like spinach or kale. They provide so many nutrients that can help you get key vitamins and minerals and provide the benefits of boosting immunity.
Note that green can carry a considerable amount of potassium. If you have CKD, talk to your doctor before adding more of these to your diet.
7. olive oil
Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that can improve your overall health. A Harvard study found that olive oil may lower cholesterol levels as well as the risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia and certain types of cancer.
Apart from that, it can also help you add flavor to your dishes without turning to salt or butter. For more antioxidants, choose olive oil or extra virgin with unrefined or cold pressed olive oil.
8. garlic
Another inflammatory food rich in antioxidants, garlic also contains a specific compound called allicin. For people with CKD, the effects of phytate (an active compound found in garlic) are equally effective in helping protect kidney health, just like prescription drugs. If you are looking for the best food for your kidneys, garlic must be put on the list.
Plus, this is a great way to add flavor when you browse the salt.
9. onion
Onions from families of the same family as garlic give you another salt-free flavor (if you sauté in olive oil). Onions also provide important nutrients such as vitamins B6 and C, manganese and copper.
They also contain quercetin, a chemical that helps your body fight cancer, as well as organic sulfur compounds that can lower the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease.
10. brocoli
Cauliflower brings crispness and pairs with lots of vitamins C, B6, B9 and K as well as fiber. It also contains compounds your body can use to neutralize certain toxins, which is a big help when your kidneys don’t do the best filtration work.
Cauliflower does contain some potassium and phosphorus, though it makes food lists for people with CKD to benefit the kidneys, people with CKD may want to reduce their intake.
11. protein
Egg whites are provided specifically for people with kidney problems. They provide you with ways to increase protein levels – which can be important for advanced CKD, especially during dialysis.
12. arugula
Arugula is full of your body needs such as magnesium, iron, calcium and vitamins A, B9, C and K. Additionally, it is rich in antioxidants and has glucoallates, which can help your body protect yourself from various cancer types.
You can eat raw arugula (which is a great salad base), but you can also sprinkle it on anything whipped. For example, it's great on pizza, omelette and pasta.
13. apple
Apple provides anti-cancer quercetin and fiber that can help you maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and blood sugar. They have a lot of antioxidants.
Even better, they are easy to eat. Leave a bowl of apples on your counter and you will have a healthy snack for your kidneys whenever you need it.