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7 Tips when starting Monster Hunter Wilds

Although Capcom's Monster Hunter series has always had fans, the 2020 Monster Hunter: World gave it to the mainstream. Now, Monster Hunter Wilds is the next game in Capcom's long-running Combating series, bringing the latest console improvements to large creature fights.

When players release new games on February 28, they will find Monster Hunter Wilds faithfully retaining the series' core appeal: using weapons, hunting big monsters, harvesting parts and forging them into new weapons and armor. But while the game looks like an extension of Monster Hunter: World, it has many quality of life upgrades that can ease the experience.

Once you start playing, some of these changes are obvious, such as a seamless transition from camp to the surrounding creature-filled areas. Seikret will ride you on your ride (even automatically route your hunting route if you want), carry supplies and hold a second weapon that you can exchange for midfield battles. The wound system has been greatly expanded to make the battle more interactive.

There's more to discover in the full game, but here are some beginner tips to help you in the first few hours of your Monster Hunter Wild.

In-game screenshot of desert base camp.


Put time in training to find your favorite weapon

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The most important decision for new players is choosing which weapon to use. Newbie at Monster Hunter Wilds is a short questionnaire that offers suggestions on which of the 14 weapons best suits your favorite play style right outside the gate. However, there is nothing to replace the hands-on experience, so you can jump into training where you can try each weapon and run through various combinations and unique mechanics.

If you're new to the series, it's worth playing with most, if not all, of them to see what each weapon does and doesn't do. If you're a veteran of the series, it's helpful to know what happened to previous games. You can also find some tips for each weapon in the Start menu: Go to Information Tab>Play Guide>Tutorial List Several pointers on each weapon. You can also find a complete list of moves and some suggested combos Information Tab>Play Guide>Weapon ControlThis is convenient when away from training range.

In-game menu screen for cooking in the wild.


Always eat before hunting

Like the previous Monster Hunter games, cooking and dining offer a variety of statistical rewards based on dishes. While you won’t have many options in early games, even the most basic meals can offer rewards for health, which makes a difference, especially in early games. Meals do not expire at the end of the hunt, but continue for a while, so check to make sure the meals remain active after continuous hunting.

Once the support group arrives at the campsite in the first area, check with them occasionally to get free currency for making basic meals. You will also need to collect ingredients during your trip, including fishing in the pool using the fishing rod tool. Use these ingredients to cook on-site using a portable barbecue grill.

Armor creates screenshots in-game.

Smithy NPC Gemma's Armor Making Screen.


Forged armor and weapons to obtain the highest rarity

After killing large monsters (rather than roaming small monsters), you will usually be able to make them with new equipment, so when you return from the hunt, register on Gemma's Forge's device tree. Craft weapons and armor of the highest rare layer to get the best stuff, remember that there are differences between devices at the same level of skills and damage (for weapons) or resistance (for armor). This also works for your Palico, so take the best equipment with you.

Don't worry about using all the materials as you will continue to capture them while hunting. Some materials are even more frequent than others, even if they are dropped from the same monster, so you may have to kill several materials to get a complete set of armor or craft multiple weapons using the same components. More importantly, even if the weapon appears to be a dead end, more progress trees will be unlocked when encountering other large monsters.

In-game screenshot of the device menu showing all skills included in the device.

The device's menu screen is dense, but it contains a lot of information.


Check weapons and armor to learn about their skills

The so-called device skills are the privilege of applying bonuses in every aspect, from better recovery to increased defense to resistance to certain types of damage. Some people are in a very situation, such as attacks after meeting conditions or special ammunition that adds ranged weapons. You will gain skills from active weapons, each piece of armor, and equipped amulets, while accumulating six or more activities while multiple of the same skills will be stacked.

To see how each skill works, open Main Menu (Start on PS5) > Projects and Devices Tabs > Device Information Information Then click the Skill Information button (square on PS5). You can also view them by tapping the Weapons/Armor Forging menu Submenu Button (Triangles on PS5)>Skill Information. This is another way to get weapons and armor that fits your play style, so consider skills when deciding which weapon and armor to craft.

In-game screenshot of the large monster weakness menu guide.

The Intel page has a lot of information on how to best defeat large monsters.


Find monster weaknesses, weaknesses and more Intel

Each monster has its own strengths and weaknesses that can help you prepare equipment resistance and elemental attacks to best put it into practice. After you have defeated a monster once, you can look for this Intel, although it is still important if you are hunting components to eliminate weapons or armor from them.

To get detailed monster-specific information, go to the game Menu (click on “Start” console) > Information Tab > Monster Field Guide > Large Monster Field Guide. The dense Intel of each monster shows where to find them, which parts are weak or damaged, and which damage is best for each part. It also recommends using element attacks, state effects and items to be used – but most importantly, for repeated hunting, it shows the frequency drop rate of the material and the parts targeting its target.

Screenshot of the battle in the game with a large spider-like monster.


Need to wound when attacking interlaced monsters

Although not the first monster hunter game with wounds, any weapon can now cause them on monsters. When you repeatedly attack an area, a wound forms, which may be visible outside but visible outside but clearly pops up in the orange-red section in focus mode. Keep attacking the wounds and you will deal bonus damage until you destroy them, then you may dry the monsters – this is a great opportunity for easy interchangeable combinations to damage.

Don't worry about hunting once or twice

Death while hunting is a pain, but you can still come back and finish afterwards (although eventually being fined with financial rewards). You will be resurrected in the main towns of the area, or if you have established a camp you can recover in one of them. This gives you the opportunity to replenish supplies, cook another meal or change out the equipment to fit your prey. It's OK to dying once or twice, but if you die the third time, you will fail the mission.

Watch the following: I played Capcom's upcoming game Monster Hunter Wilds on Gamescom

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