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President Trump's plan to eliminate social security taxes will save thousands of dollars a year. This is how much will the average American benefit

You pay Social Security Tax throughout your career, so if you have to pay benefits taxes in retirement, it may feel a little unfair. But this is the reality facing more and more retirees. This is a major pain point, especially for those who don’t have a lot of personal savings to supplement checks.

President Trump's campaign promise to cancel the Social Security tax, which resonates with many retirees, which may soon become a reality. Rep. Thomas Massie (r-ky.) recently introduced the Elderly Elimination Tax Act to the House, which would exempt Social Security Benefits from federal taxes. We don't know if it will pass, but there is already some data on saving money taxes – which may surprise you.

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The IRS began taxing Social Security benefits in 1984 and added a second tax a decade later. Since then, the Social Security Benefit Tax formula has remained the same. The government may tax a portion of your Social Security benefits based on your marital status and temporary income, defined as adjusted gross income (AGI), and if you own municipal bonds, as well as your annual Social Security Half, then there may be any unmovable interest benefits.

The following table shows the current social security benefits tax levels:

Marital status

If temporary income is the following, it is a 0% benefit taxable:

If temporary income is between, up to 50% taxable benefits:

If temporary income exceeds:



$25,000 and $34,000




$32,000 and $44,000


Source: Social Security Bureau.

The level you belong to determine the percentage of Social Security benefits that you pay for ordinary income tax. In the worst case, you can owe 37% of your taxes and pay up to 85% of your benefits. Most people pay far less than that, but these taxes still put a burden on those who live with low fixed incomes.

As you may have realized from the table above, families with the lowest income will not immediately benefit from the federal government because they do not pay Social Security taxes. However, cost and average social security checks continue to increase, pushing more people's benefits to taxable areas each year. Therefore, if the current law remains in effect, eliminating the welfare tax can save some lower income earners from the future tax they owe.

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