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Is it smart to buy S&P 500 stocks at an all-time high? History has a clear answer

Determining the best time to invest your hard-earned money in the stock market can be a daunting task.

The general advice “time in the market surpasses time in the market” is easy to say, but when stocks are as they are today, it is difficult to follow when stocks trade at high places in their history. exist S&P 500' (snpindex: ^gspc) Since reaching the bottom of the bear market in 2022, an incredible 70% of the time. For some, it may feel like another bear market may be approaching. After all, every bear market starts at a new high.

Investors who missed 70% of stock price gains may sit off the market and wait for the bear market to go to work before they can go to work. So far, investors who manage to keep investing may feel that they are seducing their destiny and consider taking some money away.

But history has a clear answer to investors, because investors want to know if it is a wise idea to put your money into stocks now.

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The basic idea behind investment, especially investing in a broad range of index funds, is the value of stocks that increase over time. Economic progress and expansion are not always a stable parade, but they usually move forward. Therefore, the profits of the companies that make up the economy continue to grow and their stock value increases.

Therefore, even if the stock trading volume reaches an all-time high, future expectations should allow the stock to set higher highs in the future. Unless there is good reason to expect the slowdown to negatively affect the revenue and cash flow of the businesses operating therein, stocks will continue to rise in a short period of time.

Indeed, new all-time highs tend to gather together. This is indeed the case since the market set a new all-time high in January last year. About 13 months later, the index closed with a new all-time high of 58 times.

If you invested in the S&P 500 Index Fund when you first set a new all-time high in 2024, your funding will grow by about 26% as of this writing. Although this is an amazing return, it may just be the beginning of this market. The median bull market lasted for 46 months. This gave us about a year and a half until the current bull market reached 50 percentage points.

More importantly, despite experiencing strong returns in the first two years of the current bull market, they are not entirely unusual. The median total return for bull markets was 110%, most of which occurred in the first half of the previous bear market recovery. This suggests that the S&P 500 can climb another 23% from here, which is still a normal bull market.

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