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Today's NYT Mini Crossword March 3

Looking for Latest Mini crossword answers? Click here for today’s mini-crossword game, along with our daily answers and tips for The New York Times, Chain, Connect and Connect: Sports Edition puzzles.

Today's NYT mini crossword game starts with a very strange clue. Someone there considers the answer of 1-actross “Applause with your fingers?” I mean, I get it, but come on. Do you need some help with today’s mini crossword game? read. And, if you can use some tips and guidance for your day-to-day solution, check out our mini crossword puzzle.

The mini crossword is just one of many games in the Times game collection. If you are looking for today's words, connections, connections: Sports Edition and Chain Answers, you can visit CNET's NYT puzzle tips page.

Read more: Tips and tips for solving the New York Times mini crossword game

Let's get the clues and answers to those mini crosswords.


The NYT mini crossword game completed on March 3, 2025.

NYT/screenshot of CNET

Mini cross clues and answers

1A clue: applause
Answer: Snapshot

5a clue: Materials of Elvis' blue shoes
Answer: Suede

6a Clues: Trees with White Bark
A: Aspen

7A Clues: Leather Leggings
Answer: chaps

8a clue: Scottish groom's traditional costume
A: Scottish skirt

Mini Don's clues and answers

1D Clues: Food Ordered
Answer: Sushi

2D Clues: The most passes with a height of over 25,000 feet
A: Nepal

3D clue: Proficiency (AT)
Answer: Proficient

4D Clues: Ink-filled items
Answer: Pen

5D clues: ___ Competition (picnic event)
Answer: Bag

How to play more mini crosswords

The New York Times game section offers a large number of online games, but only some of them are free to play. You can play today’s mini crosswords for free, but you need to subscribe to the Times section to play old puzzles in your archive.

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