Egypt announces the first discovery of the royal tomb since the discovery of the Tutankhamun's a century ago

Egyptian officials announced on Tuesday that the tomb of King Tatmos II, the last lost tomb of the kings of the ancient Egyptian dynasty, occupied more than two centuries between 1550 B.C. and 1292 B.C. This is the first royal Egyptian tomb to be discovered since the discovery of King Tutankanmon in 1922.
Egypt – A joint archaeological mission in Britain has discovered the tomb of Thutmose II in the western part of Luxor and the famous Thebes of Thebes of Thebes. The announcement was made by the team and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and the evidence was found to clearly show that it was when King Thutmose II was excavated just before known as Tomb C4.
The entrance and main access to the structure were discovered in 2022, and internal excavations have been ongoing since then.
Mohamed Ismail Khaled, Secretary General of the Supreme Ancient Physics Council of Egypt, in view of his proximity to the tomb of Thutmose III's wife and its adjacent tombs Queen HatshepsutThis was for her as a royal wife before she became ruler of the ancient kingdom. As she ascended the throne, she was eventually buried in the Valley of the Kings.
As excavation work and inspection of the workpiece continues, the mission finds new evidence to identify the owner of the mysterious tomb as King Thutmose II, and also shows that his burial ceremony was made by his wife and half-sister. Queen Hatshepsut performed.
Khalid said that some of the ships found in the ruins had inscriptions marked with the name of King Thutmose II and identified him as the “deceased king” and his wife Hatshepsut, who both Saying all of this helped confirm Thutmose II II as the owner of the grave.
He described the discovery as one of the most important archaeological discoveries in recent years. The artifacts discovered are an important complement to the intellectual body surrounding the history of the region and the rule of Thutmose II.
Provided by Egyptian Civilization National Museum
According to the 19th century, the Mummy King II was discovered in another archaeological site known as the Deir El-Bahari Cachette, which may have been moved to centuries after being attacked by a grave. Relatively new national museum Egyptian civilization. Now, in the museum, his mummies are on display among other ancient royals.
According to Mohamed Abdel Badie, head of the Egyptian Antiquities Committee of the Supreme Antiquities Committee of Egypt, the grave is in poverty, largely due to exposure to floods shortly after Thutmose II's death middle. dig. Abdel Badie said the initial research also showed that after the ancient flood, much of the original content of the tomb was moved to another location.
He said the teams found mortar in the graves with blue inscriptions and yellow stars, as well as passages from the book Imydwat, one of the most important funeral books found in ancient Egyptian tombs, Help guide the book royals on their gangster journey.
Egypt Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
The website's British team leader Dr Piers Litherland said the tomb's characteristics of a simple architectural design chosen by the Egyptian serial rulers, which emerged after Tutmos II.
Littleland said the mission will continue its investigation and try to determine where the rest of the Thutmose II tomb was moved and reveal other secrets that may have been locked down under the planet for thousands of years.