The Mask of Fear is the Star Wars book of political moments

Alexander Freed wrote some of the most compelling books Star Wars'Modern era, but I don't think it will make him a psychological one. It's easy to make a creepy sense of mortar in his latest book The mask of fearat the early release of the second Trump administration, even if no one created someone who could predict how its inspections of the early weeks of the Galactic Empire could be mapped to news reports and headlines we see every day .
But that's not true – like many of us, I certainly haven't seen half of what I've heard in the most specific weeks of the past few weeks. This is unfair The mask of fearthis is the first of a planned trilogy of novels that will be released in the next few years. In fact, release is just doing what Star Wars Always, a political cycle was drawn, told in many ways and reflected the American empire in various states of decline.
From the outset, this has been a goal of the series, from Lucas’s intentional similarities between guerrilla warfare in the Rebel Alliance and the Vietnam War – accruing the Empire itself to the interests of the United States, to the prequel trilogy review Corrupt governments deceive and transform ways, even though wars and other means entered a fascist surveillance state at the height of war terror. This is a goal beyond him, enough to enter Star Wars Now, there are contemporary stories Ahsoka,,,,, Andoand Mandalorian All of this is reflected in the repetitive political nature of its world in a few small ways, and how it alternates with itself between American liberals and conservatives.
In some ways, comparisons are not fair or real The mask of fear arrive Star Wars Since its first announcement, the text has been related to the above Ando. Yes, it certainly focuses on the characters from that great series (in the form of Mon Mothma and Saw Gerrera) mask Built around), of course, can evoke the dark and rooted tone of the political thriller.
But it can be said Ando and mask Solve similar ideas from the perspective of two very different environments. Ando Starting five years before the incident Rogue One and New Hope: The Empire has been identified as the de facto dominant force of the Milky Way, its grip bonds and the resistance structure we see under that grip are factions we did not encounter in our latest form. They are not organized resistance forces that have encountered the Galactic Civil War so far, but they have fought the Empire in some form for a long time.
The mask of fear Located in the chronological spectrum almost completely opposite. Set a few weeks after the end The Revenge of the Siththe Empire itself is hardly just the name of Palpatine's administrative actions and a series of administrative actions, the book is interested in exploring two specific ideas: possessing authoritarian regimes suddenly accelerated their power behind populism, and As people slowly but surely realize what they actually deal with, any form of unified resistance can look like the most prototype on its most prototype.
In the three main arcs in the book, espionage and subtle elements naturally exist – Mon Mothma, in political support now in the Imperial Senate, tries to mock Palpatine's executive power, desperately Seeking a thorough disclosure of bills regarding the destruction of facts. Jedi Order, seeing a former separatist sleeper agent estimate his position in the newly discovered former Republic. but The mask of fear Essentially, it is a strong political book.
This means it doesn't have to be The mask of fear Use the scenarios of covert action for strict debates about policies. But instead, no matter which pillar of the narrative we are focusing on, or the few new characters, these characters are woven through these storylines to provide their own insights and perspectives to understand this interesting period Star Wars'schedule –The mask of fear Deeply interested in people's politics, alliance building, moral politics, which have been reshaped or abandoned, and this is a coherent movement from perceived necessities.

All three pillars The mask of fear Eventually intersect, but even though we know that at some point, Mon and Saw both ostensibly allied with each other, the biggest definition in this book is the very realistic feeling that they are all similar people, but very different goals and belief. However, Freed builds a maturity in his writing and traits, not afraid to dig out these differences and push or bring together these characters in unexpected ways.
These main points in the book represent different aspects of rebellion, because we will know this. Whether they were in the decline of the Republic or Palpatine's usurpation, Mon still had confidence in the political system and his actions. The bailer is seen by others, occasionally seen by himself as being blinded when he reveals the truth about the 66 order, so stupid that he may be believed that merely solving the case would leave Palpatine forever for some How to view Robert Mueller's investigation into interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, but there is certainly echo Among them, just like the echoes of contemporary American politics throughout the book). In this particular part of the trilogy, it can be said that while Saw is arguably the least exploration of the trio, his radicalization process of extremist action is already the only viable opposition to extreme authoritarianism, regardless of How much is it.
The mask of fear When it's about exploring these different perspectives at the best, and it's possible to combine them into the point of resistance. Palpatine may be a ghost wandering in a book, but he is not a gift for a group of heroes to face and defeat. Instead, conflicts are either internal, as these political views and beliefs occupy or smaller battles, and these actions ultimately boil down to the simple choice of whether to comply with a regime that pours into the corridors of power, along the way Established precedent.
It is the latter feeling that may resonate with the audience, especially those who are anxious about the current state of the United States. Although similarities may be read in the present and present, Release is not written from a foresighted perspective, and his writing is not enough in this case, requiring Mon Mothma to be well-known to the reader and Say “vote” blue, no matter who hammers home. The mask of fear In 2025, like the country, like 2016, like 2001, like in the 1980s and 1970s, like it, or any other country may be in the future, dealing with authoritarians in any period of its future and the threat of oligarchs.

A fewer story may just signal toward the status quo of the world, playing the well-known “This is freedom disappearing” clip The Revenge of the Sithand leave it there, but The mask of fear It's much more than that. Exploring the framework of release through this book Star Wars“Your established historical and political infrastructure are ideas that resonate throughout the franchise from the very beginning. Characters doing so through a mature lens, although we know their ultimate destiny, are largely early enough to explore stories they can explore in fascinating depths – stories full of deep weaving, The story is moving beyond its unique story. The world outside the windows, but they still enrich the world deeply.
At that time, the book was the most interesting and suitable, both the first of the trilogy and its broader perspective Star Wars'The struggle with fascism, The mask of fear Not a book with a special purpose. Of course, threads come to the conclusion, but our listeners and stories know that this is just the beginning of decades of action. There is no obvious villain in this book, but an acknowledgement to be accepted: resistance takes time, alliances are built, and it takes courage to represent what you really believe in in danger populism, the charm of authoritarian appeal, which is all Not easy.
Star Wars Of course, it's nice to occasionally allow yourself a strange and open evil luxury fantasy to face and defeat. but The mask of fear In this world, people are lacking in this world now–a lack of all the shadows of darkness, it finds that a lot of battles must be fought, and anyway must be fought.
Star Wars: Empire Rule – The Mask of Fear On February 25, hit the rack. A premium copy was provided for review.
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