For the third time in months, teenagers attacked Los Angeles drivers

Los Angeles police are searching for a large group of cycling teenagers who beat a man in the wide sunlight after he got out of the car and faced them.
The LAPD announced in a press release that the attack took place Saturday at the intersection of St. Vicente Avenue and Carillode in the Gathal area east of Beverly Hills.
Witnesses who observed the attack said that between 20 and 30 cyclists in the group kicked the man between the ages of 16 and 18 and punched the man around 5 p.m. Police said the attack was the climax of a confrontation when witnesses said the teenager hit the man's vehicle, which was confrontation.
Video of the attack showed a battle breaking out, with the number of drivers far exceeding the group, falling on the ground where he was punched and kicked. According to police, the group ended up driving south on Carrillo after witnesses approached them to try to stop the fight.
The man was treated by caregivers due to minor injuries. He refused to be taken to the hospital, according to police.
At least this is the third time a teenager on a bicycle in Los Angeles has had a violent argument with his driver in recent months.
In January, a group of teenagers destroyed Mercedes-Benz on Wilshire Avenue and La Breya Avenue, and a driver rode dangerously woven with the group on the Olympic boulevard.
In August, a driver in downtown Los Angeles was attacked during a similar encounter. The driver in the video was attacked while he was at a red light while trying to ride a group on the street.
Katy Yaroslavsky, a Los Angeles congresswoman who represents the area, said she was deeply upset by the attacks this weekend.
“My heart pays tribute to the young man who was attacked and his family, and I'm happy to learn that he is recovering,” she said in a statement. “LAPD is actively investigating the incident, although law enforcement has not yet shown it. They think it is a hate crime, but any such violence is unacceptable.”
She asked anyone to have information about the attack to contact the police.
“I know this incident has shaken a lot in our community and I want to assure you that we take these issues very seriously. Violence has no place in our city and those who have to be responsible must be held accountable,” she said.
Anyone with information can contact the Wilshire department of LAPD at (213) 922-8229, or (877) LAPD-24-7 during non-breeding hours or weekends.