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Maddow Blog | Rachel Madow

This is from February 20 An episode of “Rachel McDonald Show”.

Missouri has been represented in Congress by Republican Roy Blunt for 26 years. He started as Rep. Blunt, who served in the House Republican leadership for many years before becoming a Senator.

Among other things Blunt did during his tenure, he was an insistent advocate for funding Alzheimer's research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). When Blunt announced in 2021 that he was retiring from his term, the NIH decided to dedicate their very important Alzheimer's Research Center to him. They call it the Roy Blunt Center for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia.

During the 2022 dedication ceremony, Blunt talked about the importance of NIH funding and Alzheimer's research funding. Many other Republicans from Congress also emerged and stressed the importance of funding the program. “To do what we do, Alzheimer's and dementia research has increased fivefold in order to do what we do, and it's very special. Something about it.”

“This is our most expensive disease,” he continued. “You can look at the trend line of the cost of paying for Alzheimer's, and you'll soon point out, try to treat it, or at least manage and delay it. , not dealing with it cheaply. This really guides the investment here more than anything else.”

Cole notes that funding this particular Alzheimer's Center is not only a good thing, but also a savings for the government in the long run. However, you may be able to guess where this is.

This week, the New Republic reported that the Trump administration has now cut funds to that Republican-favored Alzheimer's Center. Now about one-tenth of the center’s workers have been released, including its incoming director, “a highly respected scientist who praised this highly respected scientist in important innovations in the field. .”

Senior scientist and acting director of the center were fired by the Trump administration, said Washington Senator Patty Murray, a senior member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pension Commission.

Cole's office did not respond to a request for comment on cuts to the reports, but Stanford neurologist Michael Greicius explained to the New Republic the closure of the center's study of Alzheimer's disease. Devastating impact. “[The center] As far as its advancements in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, it has built infrastructure and brain trust, which is truly unparalleled in the world. “He said. “Weak [it] A major return to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's studies. ”

If you are looking for a poster kid because the government does nothing obvious support from anyone – and you can expect not only public opposition and expert opposition, but also special opposition Republicans Opposition – I think you have a winner.

This article was originally published on

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