Ain Rand of Crimea, Ukraine
Ukrainian forces continued to raid Russian-occupied Crimea and assassinate senior war criminals on once its sovereign territory. Vladimir Putin, a graduate of Leningrad State University, said his seizures were a problem of historical particularity. He claimed that true sovereignty in Ukraine was only possible in cooperation with Russia. “Another graduate of Alisa Rosenbaum, Leningrad State University, she is well known Nom de Plume Ayn Rand – Foresaw and condemns the philosophical basis of Putin's war in Ukraine.
Rand fled from Petrograd to Ukrainian Crimea in 1917 during the nationalization movement of the Bolsheviks. She and her family returned to Petrograd in 1921, and despite the bad conditions that civil war and collectivization brought, she took advantage of the Communist liberal policies to allow women to enter colleges. However, just before graduation, she was publicly cleared for excessive bourgeoisie but resumed as requested by visiting British scientists. Not surprisingly, her personal experience made her hate the injustice caused by collectivist thinkers. She later wrote: “It is either a destiny or ironic to call it, but I was born in all countries on Earth, at least for the fanatic of individualism, Russia.”
Rand's 1964 essays Advantages of selfishnessAmid tensions in the Cuban missile crisis, it helps to shed light on the moral basis of Ukraine today around geopolitical tensions.
She first clarifies the difference between collective and individual rights: “A group has no rights,” Rand said. “Any group that does not recognize this principle is not associations, but gangs or mobs.” She knows that “collective rights are granted,” she says. “is the trick to ensure that “rights belong to certain rights but not others – some have the right to dispose of others' rights in any way and believe that the standard position of such privilege is composed of numerical advantages.”
Rand introduces individual rights to other rights Realpolitik The terrain of how a country acts on the world stage. “Immoral [the] She said that “collectivist mystics” are particularly evident on today's issues National right. “Like any other group, a country has only many people, and there is nothing else but the rights of its individual citizens.” A free state – a state that recognizes, respects and protects the personal rights of its citizens, is its right to territorial integrity, social system and form of government. ”
Things are different in countries without these qualities. Rand insists: “A state that violates its own civil rights cannot seize any rights.” “The right to 'self-determination' applies only to free societies or societies seeking to establish free; it does not apply to dictatorship.”
Rand says dictatorship has not only lost its moral status Just an invasion Weighted states through rights. “Authoritarian states are illegal,” she wrote. She believes that any free state has Right Invasion of Nazi Germany and… Right Invasion of Soviet Russia, Cuba or any other slave pen. “Although she doesn't believe it's a free country responsibility In order to liberate other countries at the price of self-sacrifice, she believes it is a free country's right, “when and so choose.”
This sentiment caused controversy in the context of geopolitics in the 1960s. The collapse of the Bay of Pigs (April 1961), followed by the Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962), constituted in the central government Advantages of selfishness. In retrospect, she seemed to have been trying to deal with the meaning of logic. She said: “It makes moral sense to invade an enslaved country, only if the conqueror establishes a conqueror Free The social system… is based on the recognition of individual rights. “Because there are no completely free countries today, because the so-called 'free world' consists of various 'mixed economies', it may be asked whether each country in every country on the planet has morally invaded each other open. ”
She absolutely said the answer was no. “There is a difference between a country that recognizes the principle of individual rights but is not fully implemented in practice and a country that explicitly deprives it and violates it.”
Rand argues that four characteristics refer to a country as dictatorship: one-party rules, execution without trial (or mock trial) against political crime, nationalization or expropriation of private property, and censorship. A state loses any moral privilege against these charges of anger, any claim on state rights or sovereignty, and becomes “illegal”.
Therefore, in Rand's statement, Putin's Russia is a vivid manifestation of an “enslave country” and is subject to morally justified invasion. But it is out of reach without such invasion. The threat of nuclear retaliation makes conventional military invasions incredible. Nevertheless, as Russia continues to carry out devastating actions in Crimea and Donbas, it may shatter under its own injustice weight. Putin's “special military operation” may be the final expression of Ivan Vovchuk's observation in 1968: “Bolshevism began to establish an empire through the war with Ukraine. This empire will be a victorious war against Moscow. End its existence.”
In other words, the country Rand said is “the least suitable for individualistic fanatics”, which could become a broken area of a personal republic that longs for freedom because of its immoral invasion of Ukraine.
The Ayn Rand Post in Crimea, Ukraine, first appeared on